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Total Fantano Death
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File: 1731319727992.jpg (203.13 KB, 869x869, sksksk.jpg)


I dont think npobu deserved to be cancelled.


File: 1731335702501.png (207.7 KB, 327x316, 1585827306630.png)

hes a faggot pedo


He deserved hes a pedfagg and retarded


what did npobu do?


groom minors


didnt he leak a 13yo girl photo?
i remember reading this on r/epunk but im not sure


I do appreciate npobu as an artist.
His songs Just Kms, Relationship W A Whore, so dull, autist retard, and so on are really good atleast in my opinion. but does he deserve to get cancelled? probably most likely yes. I wouldn't be suprised if he would make a comeback though despite the allegations because of the nature of the scene


he is a faggot i used to be best friends with him and he blocked me for no reason idc abt him grooming a minor he is just an emotional little cunt


hes kinda jsut a loser

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