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ok since the e-cel podcast is done
I propose that some of you make an e-magazine about incelcore. w/ interviews, reviews of new artists, new songs or new albums, articles about the genre, etc.

the image is just a concept, i like that M.A.D covers making parodies of popular shit


e-cel isnt over its on haiatus


nigger idea


>i propose that some of you
fucking retard…


trust the process nigga


I don't think it's dead (at least I hope)


yall fuck with cringer




he aight




the song he made about the office was good




I hate scrolling through SoundCloud and seeing another epunk song that has a sad wojak cover and thr title is like "ima
kms cuz she don't text bak" one of my favorite parts of epunk is that most people won't understad it, but this is clear
textbook sadboy cringe. Epunk is good because it's almost like a satire shitpost of "blackpilled redpilled 4chan no gf so
ima shoot up school cuz government told me to" type stuff. Now it sounds like some dumb cringe normie shit.
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you need to end your life buddy


weak bait btw


faggots will say incelcore is epunk


no they wont


I feel like incelcore has always been mostly just sad rock songs. I really just don't get what you're talking about here.



Let's be real.
>Ofigz started becoming very doomer when watermark died
>started becoming very unactive online and twitter overall
>announces that he will go on a hiatus
He's not coming back.
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then he will start a family and hide the fact he has into incelcore, an die with the secret


Bro was 100% correct, It's over


OP here.
Guess I was right all along


well it was kinda obvious but yeah you were right


wdym? Did he announce he's quitting permanently somewhere?


helloo incel boyss!!!!!
i love to listen this super virgincore song! i listen to it everyday with my white heterosexual young girlfriend and it is soo cool, i think im an incel too!


post your music i wanna hear
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hello retardead, big fan



hello friend


just a song to test out my vocals Listen to NXP (cover of a hard christ cover of a negative xp song. lmao) by Hateful Existence on #SoundCloud


nigga is joey ramone


what do yall think about slam? i like it


Thats a good album too.
I personally like Gutteral Slug and Party Cannon as my favorites, and some Frog Mallet if you consider it slam too

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I dont think npobu deserved to be cancelled.
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what did npobu do?


groom minors


didnt he leak a 13yo girl photo?
i remember reading this on r/epunk but im not sure


I do appreciate npobu as an artist.
His songs Just Kms, Relationship W A Whore, so dull, autist retard, and so on are really good atleast in my opinion. but does he deserve to get cancelled? probably most likely yes. I wouldn't be suprised if he would make a comeback though despite the allegations because of the nature of the scene


he is a faggot i used to be best friends with him and he blocked me for no reason idc abt him grooming a minor he is just an emotional little cunt

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This is why you don't trust the plan


what is the plan what is this what are they talking about


does this nigga have an anime girl as his discord background???? LMAO


btw fuck you poncho


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time will prove my point

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Any of you could suggest me any blackpilled music for this sad shitty night?



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