Catalog (/mu/)

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yall fuck with cringer
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Epunk is slowly becoming generic sad music

I hate scrolling through SoundCloud and seeing another epunk song that has a sad wojak cover and thr title is like "ima
kms cuz she don't text bak" one of my favorite parts of epunk is that most people won't understad it, but this is clear
textbook sadboy cringe. Epunk is good because it's almost like a satire shitpost of "blackpilled redpilled 4chan no gf so
ima shoot up school cuz government told me to" type stuff. Now it sounds like some dumb cringe normie shit.
R: 11 / I: 1
Let's be real.
>Ofigz started becoming very doomer when watermark died
>started becoming very unactive online and twitter overall
>announces that he will go on a hiatus
He's not coming back.
R: 4 / I: 1
ok since the e-cel podcast is done
I propose that some of you make an e-magazine about incelcore. w/ interviews, reviews of new artists, new songs or new albums, articles about the genre, etc.

the image is just a concept, i like that M.A.D covers making parodies of popular shit
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helloo incel boyss!!!!!
i love to listen this super virgincore song! i listen to it everyday with my white heterosexual young girlfriend and it is soo cool, i think im an incel too!
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/sp/ - self promo thread

post your music i wanna hear
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slam metal

what do yall think about slam? i like it
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I dont think npobu deserved to be cancelled.
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This is why you don't trust the plan
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Any of you could suggest me any blackpilled music for this sad shitty night?
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what do u guys think of heelflip?

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fried's musical career died after in excellent order
R: 6 / I: 4

Foids in the scene

mass influx of normies and foids in the scene
What to do with them?
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what happened to scabzone he made great music
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why did vomniac randomly delete his soundcloud?
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nu metal autism

what do yall think about nu metal and are there any incelcore artists that yall recommend that have a nu metal influence?
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And underrated artists you guys wish got more attention?
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chelsea grin

would chelsea grin be considered early incelcore? cuz watermark said they would and he was the coolest guy I ever met
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Who's the most homosexual incelcore artist?

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any niggers in the scene ?!
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Mid-century music heads

I'm an old soul lol I like 40's and 50's music a lot
Found an album recently in that vein you guys would probably like (Standouts are defintely Little Girl and Hold Me Forever):
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/fitmu/ thread: first edition edition
Please, head north- Transit/ Man overboard split ver

Post ur fav songs to pump iron with, bonus points if its hateful/emo
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EDGEMASTER42 x DethTech when?

cmon, make it happen

pic not related
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Songs that could pass as incelcore

Normie by timetravel
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femcels in the scene

the scene is being overrun by femecels and femoids and I hate it
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go listen to this song before I put a bullet in a gay niggers head
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hey guys i love syg