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Total Fantano Death
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these two albums sold incelcore.

i understand some people perceives In Excellent Order as a good album but… its pretty obvious he wanted incelcore to be a mainstream thing (and it worked).

The lyrics are more tiktok-appeal and emptier than his previous albums, he barely menctions incel related terms (something he did in previous work), "erm i wanna be an incelcore star and fall in love with e-girls". Addiotionally the lyrics are less explicit and less agressive.

This same thing happens (and it gets worse) in The Great Spirit. The album is boring by itself but uhh the lyrics, "She likes my little pony" "the girl i like has a boyfriend, she used to love me".

The mixing is also more pop (and it doesnt seem he increased his mixing skills, its obvious he wanted to sound and be mainstream).

so that nigga is a fucking sold out or he hired a producer (or both)


100%, there is no reason to listen to pretty much anything he's made past fbf self-titled. That album was abrasive, raw and funny as hell. Not to say that there aren't tracks i liked on "in excellent order" and "goy spirit", take Watching TV makes you smarter, tranzit and burn it down for example. I agree, I have no clue why he just doesn't end Fbf and make a new shitty faggot altrock project.


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they are genuinely good albyums, but its just Not incelcore. like wow. im happy that he hit a mil streams but its disappointing that he's not being true to the scene and just trying to appeal to normalfags. hes also such a fucking retard now with all the racist bullshit just to be a contrarian to seem like he's still the same unfiltered, punky fried that he was when he was a smaller artist making shit just to make shit. now hes just fat and lame as fuck.


>hes also such a fucking retard now with all the racist bullshit just to be a contrarian
the racist bullshit isn't new

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