screaming and rolling on ground throwing up
I’ve been trying to touch grass recently. I started summer of last year. Before that i had like crippling agoraphobia but i finally got over it and started going out. my cousin invited me to the bar with her friends and i jumped at the chance to be social offline. but ive come to realize how unhappy they all are. Half the group are like raging liberals and they project how much they hate themselves onto everyone else. This one girl seems to have taken charge of the group, and she just like makes everyone shun people as needed. She doesn’t even fuck dudes so i dunno why they are all simping for her. now they are all freaking out about politics and i try not to go out anymore. how tf do i meet irls that i can say slurs around, and have good humor. That’s like my only criteria, any advice?Frens
I only have 1 irl friend that ive known for 7 years. He tells me that i am depressed and should go on ssris and seek therapy. I did see one 5 years ago, but stopped going because they gave me surface level advice. Im not intrested in trying to medically cure my symptoms.Welcome to /f/ - feels
This is a support board for incels, NEETs, KHHVs and the likes.