Teh Rules

Incelchan.xyz Global Rules

The rules are very simple:

  1. Posting any content that's illegal in the US or Israel is prohibited.
  2. Minors are not allowed to use this websites.
  3. Pornography of any kind (I.e. content made for the purpose of eliciting sexual arousal) is not allowed on this website.
    Memes that contain NSFW content may or may not be allowed (at mod discretion).
  4. Fakecels and normies are allowed to use this website, but shameless/inflammatory fakecel posting is not allowed.
    The rest of the internet already has enough of that.
  5. Identifying yourself as a woman is not allowed - there are no girls on the internet.
  6. Rules of the internet all apply.


/b/ - Random

  1. Tripcodes are discouraged, but not prohibited.

/f/ - Feels

  1. This is a support board for incels, NEETs, KHHVs and individuals with similar/related problems. Flaming, trolling, uncivil behavior, intentional demoralization and other similar behaviors are not permitted. Go to r9k or something.

/mu/ - Music

  1. Non-incelcore related music threads are allowed but generals are only allowed for incelcore/epunk related topics.

/vault/ - Incelcore Archive

  1. Archival board for incelcore & epunk related topics. Threads not containing such material for archival purposes are not allowed.