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File: 1732239954251.png (684.58 KB, 828x598, willow .png)


Honestly I think he made the best music in the scene and had the most unique vocals. Also for him being so young between the ages of 13-15 and making the stuff he made is super impressive.


willow carried the whore scene tbh most of iconic oldfags covered any willow song


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iconic oldfags covered willow because his shit sucked and they did it better


he wrote the music a cover doesnt make a song too original (in the way that they dont write chords or lyrics ik they sound different cuz of them literally being other ppl)


they copied willow cuz he is iconic nigga


He was literally the worst part of every msg, the only good thing he has done for the scene is spawned covers which are actually good


So you mean he is a good songwriter and compositor?


I think he is a nigger


Willow can write good songs but they FUCKING SUCK at singing and performing them only troon fag lovers like the non covers lol


Well youre not wrong


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