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Incelchan.xyz is an imageboard dedicated to the Incelcore & Epunk subculture. Please read Teh Rules before posting.

Why was Incelchan created?

In light of normie tech companies nuking ic related spaces to no end (namely r/mkultrasupportgroup, r/epunk, NEETs discord server, etc.) it has become clear the scene needs to create its own platform.

Tons of content gets lost because of these bans and archival projects become much harder than they need to.

I have a suggestion, question or other inquiry regarding incelchan.xyz



The one called nottheproperattire has fakeceld out…


who cares, that nigga's gay af anyways. He never even meant any of the shit he made.


He's kinda a fag


in 2025 xo_willow will turn white and than return to incelcore and than save incelcore and than save society. Trust the plan.


fuck me I incorrectly used than instead of then


it's alright it happens


Thank you Donald Trvmp

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so this faggot will make incelcore mainstream… fuck this shit its so over


there is nothing we can do


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i blame that nigga fat by fluoride


Always has been "bro"


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It won't lol

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Honestly I think he made the best music in the scene and had the most unique vocals. Also for him being so young between the ages of 13-15 and making the stuff he made is super impressive.
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So you mean he is a good songwriter and compositor?


I think he is a nigger


Willow can write good songs but they FUCKING SUCK at singing and performing them only troon fag lovers like the non covers lol


Well youre not wrong


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hey Incelchan.xyz it's Jack Maniac and I just wanna say I think we gotta behead all niggers and skewer their bloated black heads on pikes. eliminate every fucking porch monkey on this planet. hope to see everyone at steakfest!
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Gooned to Jeet Nigger again award


thanks maniac


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The day maniacs beats a nigger over the head with a tire iron is the day the west prevails. He's the chosen one but going through his bluepill libtard faggot arc


zoot make a /leftyzellig/ board please and thank you

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Wassup incelcore it's Jack Maniac. Not really used to using these types of forums so I'll have to get used to it and probably won't be here much but HI HI HI HI HI
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faker ur not Dvrk Maniac he the real one


black maniac


Hello black manica howre yu


hi maniac, loved the album bro


Love ur covers bro


Long live lemonade. Fuck poncho. Deeply closeted bisexual native indian pride.


half of the server dislikes him, they just don't say it because they would get muted lol


they don't say it because they're too pussy and gay


nigga is you being paid to glaze him?


^obvious coal miner

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The girl i like has more than 500 followers on ig i dont want her anymore 😡


good instinct she is definitely the village whore


The girl i like is the village whore now i dont want her anymore the girl i like is the village whore i never wanted to kill muself more

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